Hi there.
I was just working on a project where we had to find user information by searching for SMTP address, or username, or GUID.
So instead of adding a paramter for everything I thought the script can find out itself if I have provided an SMTP address or an GUID. And if you work with Office 365/Azure AD you might have already received notifications about certain user accounts from MS and they provide the GUID, or here called Immutable, in a different format.
So the outcome of my thinking and lazyeness providing parameters all the time can now be found on CodePlex (https://adfinduser.codeplex.com/).
finduser.ps1 userA
finduser.ps1 user.A@domain.com
finduser.ps1 5Gz/Z7McHEWGzHdUTs5Kuw==
finduser.ps1 67ff6ce4-1cb3-451c-86cc-77544ece4abb
finduser.ps1 "{67ff6ce4-1cb3-451c-86cc-77544ece4abb}"
The script can work with remote Active Directories as well as with AD LDS servers, just see the 2 lines you have to activate or to deactivate.
Feel free to use it and to adapt. You can also add some more error handling if you like.