Tuesday, May 1, 2012

TEC2012: What is new in Windows 2012 for RMS

Updates for RMS in Windows 2012

- stronger key encryption (RSA 2048 SHA256) - patch available for Windows 2008 R2
- Logging is not using MSMQ anymore, writes straight to the database. Sounds like a little bit more overhead for logging but lessen the time for troubleshooting MSMQ
- As a result of the new server manager you can install RMS cluster from a single console
- RMS cluster servers can be core servers, installed from a server with full server version -OR-
- install RMS running the server gui and then switching to core server (switching between core and full is a new feature in Windows 2012)
- Delegation for e-mail protection, so the assistant can read the e-mail sent to the manager - available as patch for Windows 2008 R2

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